After reading maybe two or three books a week and finally enjoying my summer, disaster struck. I was suddenly experiencing every bookworm's worst nightmare: the reading slump. We've all been there, unread books taking over our shelves and to-be-read lists a constant reminder of all the books that demand our attention. Nevertheless, no matter how hard I tried to force myself to sit and concentrate, I couldn't get through my book for the life of me. It was insanely frustrating but a mixture of having way too many other things to do and just lacking the concentration necessary to appreciate my book made it impossible to get past chapter 2 in a whole week. So, to help myself and all other avid bookworms out there facing this so-called reader's block, I've compiled my top ten ways to combat a reading slump!
10. Read a book that doesn't require a huge amount of concentration
What tends to put me into a reading slump is lacking the ability at that moment to follow a complicated plot or a storyline with a lot of depth to it. The book series that never fails to combat this symptom of every reader's worst nightmare is The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer. I know that it's faced a lot of criticism for various reasons but it will always be my go-to series. I've always found it an easy read that hasn't required too much thinking into the plot but is still really enjoyable on the whole with a dark and glamorous set of characters that really come to life through the pages. It's essential to find an easy read like this if you ever hope to drag yourself out of a reading slump.
9. Read an old favourite
So your easy read has failed to cure your reader's block? Don't fret yet there's plenty of other things to try! Turn your attention next to an old favourite of yours and you'll find yourself reading at the speed of light again in no time. For me, turning back to the Harry Potter series always reminds me why I love reading and inspires me to pick up ten other books after. Rowling's creation is so beautifully magical and vivid, you'll lose yourself instantly and fall back into the wizarding world in no time at all. It'll be like you never left!
8. Set aside time to read
Trying to juggle a hectic schedule and still finding the time to read can be extremely difficult and failing to do so is another major reason for the common book slump. To beat this particular symptom, I would suggest setting aside as much time as you can afford to reading and sticking to it daily, no excuses! If you devote anything from 10 minutes to an hour a day at a particular time, such as before you go to sleep or during a lunch hour, you might find yourself finally starting to read more.
7. Go on a book haul!
Perhaps all it may take to defeat your reading slump is a little book haul! You may simply need to remind yourself of the beauty of books once more and there's no better way to do that than a little trip to your local bookstore or a spot of online shopping. Some fresh additions to your shelves may make reading seem more appealing rather than forcing yourself through your reading list!
6. Visit the local library
If you're struggling through a reading slump, the best place to visit might be the library! That way you can dip in and out of any book that takes your fancy with no commitment all whilst supporting your local library service and pulling yourself out of your reader's slump. Libraries often have new releases too so perhaps that book you've been waiting for months to be released will be waiting on the shelves!
5. Stop reading the book you're struggling with and return to it later
If your reading slump has truly defeated you this time, there's no shame in putting that particular book aside and returning to it later when you're in a better frame of mind. Perhaps you need to admit that that book isn't for you? Or maybe it is you and you simply need to find a way back into reading before you find yourself flying through books in the same way as before.
4. Try reading in a new place
Forcing yourself to read in a cluttered, stuffy room may not be the most productive way to get through a book. Perhaps reading in an over familiar spot is making reading lack the interest it once had? A change of scenery might liven up your reading experience! Try reading in a local park, on a train, in your garden or perhaps in a different room. Changing where you read may change the way you read and could be key to combating your reader's block!
3. Take a break from reading
Maybe it's time to admit that reading at this moment in time is simply not possible? That's okay, it doesn't mean you're failing as a reader! Taking a break may make your return to reading as exciting as the first time you picked up a book. You just need to take time away from reading to remind yourself once more why you love it. Don't worry, you'll probably be back into it again in no time!
2. Try to avoid reading more than one book at a time
If you're trying to juggle multiple books along with everything else in your life, no wonder you're finding reading difficult! If you've unexpectedly hit a reading slump, it may not be so unexpected if you've got five books on the go. It might be time to drop a few and focus on one for a little while. Perhaps that would take the pressure off reading and give your mind the space to concentrate on your current read.
1. Try reading a graphic novel
If you're finding it hard to concentrate on an 800 page hardback novel, it might be time to pick up a graphic novel or comic book. I've always found them an easy read and I tend to read them far faster than novels. Death Note is a great manga series to start with, the plot and the mystery are just a perfect mix of a crime thriller and a dark contemporary YA read.