Sometimes, when you have a TBR pile taller than you and an even longer list of books you want but can't afford, it seems like being a reader is actually kind of challenging. But, you've always got to focus on the positives so here are my top 10 perks of being a reader, because the advantages always outweigh the difficulties!
From The Great Gatsby to Macbeth, there's some great books appearing on the curriculum nowadays and the best part of being a reader is that you'll thoroughly enjoy it. And if you're like me, you'll be excited when some of your favourites crop up. Sad, I know.
2. When everyone is raving about the newest movie, you already know all about it
When the entire world was raving about The Hunger Games, you'd already devoured all the books. And you know the books are better.
3. You are part of an amazing community of people who all share the same interests!
Whether you blog, instagram, tweet or post videos about the books you're reading, you're sure to meet so many fantastic people through the YA lit community who will all be keen to discuss new releases or your favourite reads. And some people you meet through the community may even become your closest friends :)
4. Attending a book signing or a book talk by your favourite author
I have had the most amazing experiences meeting Cassandra Clare, Holly Black, Michael Grant and Andrew Smith at book signings. There's nothing quite like sharing a room with some of the people you admire most as they explain what inspires them to write!
5. That feeling when you find someone else who's just as obsessed with a book as you
I remember the moment that I found out my friend was as big of a fan of the Half Bad series as me. When you've obsessed over a book on your own for ages, nothing compares to the feeling when you find someone to share that love with.
If you're a reader, you know exactly what I mean. Literally nothing compares to setting aside a whole afternoon dedicated to finishing that book that's got you hooked. You've actually blown off plans for your book, haven't you? Admit it.
7. Finding offers or clearances in your favourite bookshops
The excitement you feel when you get to that buy-one-get-one-half-price table in Waterstones. Or the thrill when you find the clearance shelf at your local WHSmiths. You know what I'm talking about.
8. When the book you requested finally arrives at the library
That sheer happiness you feel when you get that phone call to let you know the book you requested months ago has finally arrived is a moment completely unique to readers. The wait is so long, you've always forgotten you've ordered the book. But when you finally get to sink your teeth into your long awaited novel, it's always worth the wait.
9. Recommending a book to a friend who ends up loving it
Being able to share your favourite reads with a fellow reader is like sharing a little part of yourself with them. There's always that moment of worry when you panic you've oversold it to them but when you get that 2am "omg" message when they hit the plot twist, you know you recommended it to the right person.
10. Falling in love with a book with no fandom
When you find an amazing book that bookstagram hasn't blown up about yet, you get to keep that piece of literature to yourself, feeling kind of special that you stumbled across it by chance.
Awesome post, Lucy! Loved reading it, especially #3, #5, #7 and #9.
ReplyDeleteI can totally agree with all of your points although I usually hate mandatory reading for school. Whenever people tell me I have to read a book for class that always makes it less enjoyable for me...
Thank you Alina! I suppose that's true, if I read the book in my own time rather than in school I do tend to enjoy it more! :)